The Ombudsperson for Gender Equality is the holder of the European project “Equal rights – Equal Pay – Equal Pensions” – Expanding the scope of
implementation of gender equality actions and legal standards towards achieving
gender equality and combating poverty in Croatia, which deals with the nearly invisible topic of gender pay and pension inequalities, resulting in social and economic insecurity of women.
The project is aimed at ensuring standards, measures
and actions that will contribute to raising awareness about the problem of pay and pension gaps between men and women with a view to reducing the risk of poverty for women. Target groups are representatives of competent authorities, public
and private companies, trade unions and high school students at the national and local levels. The project will provide us with new knowledge that will enable a better understanding of the causes and consequences of the pay and pension
gaps. We will be able to create an educational programme, draw up a national legislative framework and organise national campaigns with a view to raising awareness about this problem.
The project started on 1 October 2018 and will
end on 30 September 2020.
Institute for Social Research in Zagreb, CESI – Centre for Education, Counselling and Research, Retired Persons' Trade Union of Croatia and Institute for the Equality of Women and
Men (Belgium)
Supporting state bodies:
Ministry of Labour and Pension System, Ministry of Science and Education, Ministry of Public Administration and Croatian Bureau of Statistics
Total project worth: