Final online conference 24.11.2020. - Final online conference, on 24 November 2020, marked Equal pay day that was in November, the day when women symbolically stop getting paid compared to their male colleagues for the same job. At the beginning, Ombudsperson gave information about salary levels and cause of gender pay and pension gap in Croatia and presented project activities, with emphasis on strategy document – national legal framework about standards, measures and actions for achieving gender equality in the labour market and in pension system in aim to combat women poverty. Document will be published till the end of the project.  The most important… ...
Partners’ meeting 25.09.2020. - Partners’ meeting was held in the office of Ombudsperson for Gender Equality, and partners discussed implementation of project activities. At the beginning activities that took place from 7/2020 were presented: distribution of brochure Model of collective agreement – the aspect of gender in collective bargaining and monthly publishing of sections in „Voice of retired persons“ and was emphasized that Ministry of Labour and pension system, Labour inspection and Ministry for Demography, Family, Youth and Social Policy supported Model of collective agreement. Following activities, and mutual learning conference, were also discussed. Participants were: representatives of the Ombudsperson for Gender Equality: Kristijan… ...

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